About my work life

I’m currently the Head of AI and Prompt Engineer at Invertbio.com (YC W22). Previously, I was the Head of ML Engineering at Zalando SE (ETR:ZAL, mcap ~ €8B, >40M customers), where my team built one of Europe’s first ML platforms at scale. I’m an experienced tech leader in the fields of data, analytics and machine learning / artificial intelligence systems at different company sizes. I’ve worked in deep tech (Verisign, Inc.), e-commerce (Zalando SE and Craftsvilla), SaaS (Invert (YC W22)), and consulting (Gramener.com).

Areas of interest

I have a strong academic computer science and mathematics background. I am deeply passionate about philosophy, anthropology, game theory, political science, bitcoin, quantum mechanics, world history, psychology, macroeconomics, markets, culture, cinema and art.


Send me an email at [email protected], add me on LinkedIn, follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my posts via RSS, follow the books I read on Goodreads, or follow the repos I star on GitHub.

News & updates

June 2024 — Check out a game I built with Claude 3.5 Sonnet: FermLab. FermLab is a toy game where you manage lab resources and ferment your way to become the best bio/pharma manufacturer.

August 2022 — Melchior and I are doing a course on quantum information theory offered by KAIST on Coursera. Follow our progress in my blog post.

July 2021 — My GarageBand single Pawn To E4 is out on all streaming websites, including on YouTube.

July 2020 — My first victory against Scott in a game of Chess, read the full story.

December 2019 — I spoke at AWS re:Invent 2019 about machine learning at Zalando. The talk is on YouTube.


Some links and references to places on the Internet that have given me things to think about.

The International Trade Statistics Yearbook comtrade.un.org. Insights from McKinsey & Company mckinsey.com. The Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace nori.com. Reimagining Retail in the Metaverse highstreet.market. Brand documentary magazine from South Korea magazine-b.com. Cognitive bias reference cheatsheet wiki. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems papers.nips.cc. Sutton & Barto Book: Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction incompleteideas.net. Player of Games 2112.03178.